
Sunday, July 11, 2021

What is Blogging / What is Blogging all about

Do You want to know what Blogging is?

In this post you will get to know what is blogging and what are the different types of blogging and how you can start blogging and how you can use blogging for Digital Marketing.

What is Blogging?

A blog is a collection of content that is organised repetitively. Blog is like an online journal or diary, although it is now used much more for marketing and online journalism.

Blogs are also used by people for updating their friends and family about their personal life, sharing advice on travel and cooking or discussing about sports, movies etc. These contents can be taken in the form of basic words (copy) as well as rich media (audio, video, objects). 

Blogs can be run solo or with multiple people contributing in the blog. You can even use Blogger to make your own podcast feeds.

Now you know what is blogging, now it's time to know the differetn types of blogging.

The different types of Blog are as follows

1. Personal BlogsIndividual Blog/ Personal Blog are web journals composed by anybody that appreciates offering their thoughts and musings to an online community. So you will get individual Blog/ Personal Blogs in mostly all niches(topic).

Personal bloggers today in general follow a similar direction, despite the fact that they at this point don't need to fight or take tension to do entry in blogging or setting up a site. They can utilize Blogger, WordPress, and other network organizations to begin a blog in under 5 to 10 minutes and can begin sharing there ideas and views to the world.

2. Group Blogging/ Group Blogs : Group Blogging/ Group Blogs is a site with bloggers(Different People) on a particular subject, consistently. On shared online journals, individuals hold different client jobs, including editor, creator (author), and contributor. 

Editors can see, alter, distribute, and delete posts/pages; moderate comments and oversee classifications, labels, and tags; and upload records/pictures. Creators(authors) can alter, distribute, and delete their own posts, just as transfer documents/pictures.

3. Microblogs : Microblogging/ Microblogs refers to a type of blogging that uses very quick, small and short messages either in audio, text or video forms.

As the name tells, the messages are short and fresh and typically allude to a current occasion, a comment about an occasion and broadcasting of a news cut, and so on However moment text informing is the most mainstream type of microblogging, video clips are also fast becoming popular, too.

One of the example of Microblogging is Twitter.

4. Professional Blogging/ Professional Blogs : Professional Blogs are those blogs which people use to earn money online. In other words Professional blogs are for those people whose main motive is to earn money through their blogging.

Professional bloggers tend to either focus on one blog or many niche blogs to generate their revenue. Each blog would have to have the potential for drawing in a huge crowd(Traffic), delivering heaps of traffic, and being a solid match for sponsors (advertisers)and product sales.

5. Reverse Blogs/Guest host blogs :  Reverse Blogs or Guest Host Blogs are a unique but modern type of blog. Instead of the owner creating content, the content is supplied by the public. A reverse blog has a team who moderate posts, prevent unpleasant interactions and promote slow topics for greater interactivity. Despite the fact that the guest host blog mostly contains content from guest writers, the owner should also write posts of his or her own.

Reverse blogs are a great opportunity for new bloggers to start blogging and get attention. It helps bloggers to attract visitors to their blog, and also get followers from online readers of the host blog.

Free Platform to Create Blogs

1. Blogger/ : Blogger is Google’s free tool for creating blogs. It can be found on the web at The main advantage of using Blogger is that Blogger is completely free, including hosting and analytics. If the blogger chooses to display ads, they get a share in the revenues earned from advertising.

Users can sign up for a maximum of 100 blogs per account and customise those blogs with predesigned templates. 

Users sign in with a Google Account, and then click on New Blog to get started. They can choose a name for the blog and customise a URL for readers to see when viewing content.

The website shows up under the URL have Anyone can make money through Google Blogger by monetising a Google AdSense account. The users can sign up for an AdSense account separately, and then link the advertisements to individual blogs.

Other Free hosting instead of blogger you can use are as follows :
Wordpress,, Bluehost, Infinityfree.

Most of the people use Wordpress and Blogger more but you choose your free website as per your useage and convenience.

Summary :

  • A Blog is a Webpage which is updated regularly by an individual or small groups.
  • A blog can take the form of microblogging (like Twitter), Vblogging (video blogging), and more which can focus on a particular type of content
  • The different types of blogs are Personal Blogs, Group Blogs, Microblogs, Professional Blogs and Reverse Blogs.

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What is Blogging / What is Blogging all about

Do You want to know what Blogging is? In this post you will get to know what is blogging and what are the different types of blogging and ho...