
Sunday, July 11, 2021

What is Blogging / What is Blogging all about

Do You want to know what Blogging is?

In this post you will get to know what is blogging and what are the different types of blogging and how you can start blogging and how you can use blogging for Digital Marketing.

What is Blogging?

A blog is a collection of content that is organised repetitively. Blog is like an online journal or diary, although it is now used much more for marketing and online journalism.

Blogs are also used by people for updating their friends and family about their personal life, sharing advice on travel and cooking or discussing about sports, movies etc. These contents can be taken in the form of basic words (copy) as well as rich media (audio, video, objects). 

Blogs can be run solo or with multiple people contributing in the blog. You can even use Blogger to make your own podcast feeds.

Now you know what is blogging, now it's time to know the differetn types of blogging.

The different types of Blog are as follows

1. Personal BlogsIndividual Blog/ Personal Blog are web journals composed by anybody that appreciates offering their thoughts and musings to an online community. So you will get individual Blog/ Personal Blogs in mostly all niches(topic).

Personal bloggers today in general follow a similar direction, despite the fact that they at this point don't need to fight or take tension to do entry in blogging or setting up a site. They can utilize Blogger, WordPress, and other network organizations to begin a blog in under 5 to 10 minutes and can begin sharing there ideas and views to the world.

2. Group Blogging/ Group Blogs : Group Blogging/ Group Blogs is a site with bloggers(Different People) on a particular subject, consistently. On shared online journals, individuals hold different client jobs, including editor, creator (author), and contributor. 

Editors can see, alter, distribute, and delete posts/pages; moderate comments and oversee classifications, labels, and tags; and upload records/pictures. Creators(authors) can alter, distribute, and delete their own posts, just as transfer documents/pictures.

3. Microblogs : Microblogging/ Microblogs refers to a type of blogging that uses very quick, small and short messages either in audio, text or video forms.

As the name tells, the messages are short and fresh and typically allude to a current occasion, a comment about an occasion and broadcasting of a news cut, and so on However moment text informing is the most mainstream type of microblogging, video clips are also fast becoming popular, too.

One of the example of Microblogging is Twitter.

4. Professional Blogging/ Professional Blogs : Professional Blogs are those blogs which people use to earn money online. In other words Professional blogs are for those people whose main motive is to earn money through their blogging.

Professional bloggers tend to either focus on one blog or many niche blogs to generate their revenue. Each blog would have to have the potential for drawing in a huge crowd(Traffic), delivering heaps of traffic, and being a solid match for sponsors (advertisers)and product sales.

5. Reverse Blogs/Guest host blogs :  Reverse Blogs or Guest Host Blogs are a unique but modern type of blog. Instead of the owner creating content, the content is supplied by the public. A reverse blog has a team who moderate posts, prevent unpleasant interactions and promote slow topics for greater interactivity. Despite the fact that the guest host blog mostly contains content from guest writers, the owner should also write posts of his or her own.

Reverse blogs are a great opportunity for new bloggers to start blogging and get attention. It helps bloggers to attract visitors to their blog, and also get followers from online readers of the host blog.

Free Platform to Create Blogs

1. Blogger/ : Blogger is Google’s free tool for creating blogs. It can be found on the web at The main advantage of using Blogger is that Blogger is completely free, including hosting and analytics. If the blogger chooses to display ads, they get a share in the revenues earned from advertising.

Users can sign up for a maximum of 100 blogs per account and customise those blogs with predesigned templates. 

Users sign in with a Google Account, and then click on New Blog to get started. They can choose a name for the blog and customise a URL for readers to see when viewing content.

The website shows up under the URL have Anyone can make money through Google Blogger by monetising a Google AdSense account. The users can sign up for an AdSense account separately, and then link the advertisements to individual blogs.

Other Free hosting instead of blogger you can use are as follows :
Wordpress,, Bluehost, Infinityfree.

Most of the people use Wordpress and Blogger more but you choose your free website as per your useage and convenience.

Summary :

  • A Blog is a Webpage which is updated regularly by an individual or small groups.
  • A blog can take the form of microblogging (like Twitter), Vblogging (video blogging), and more which can focus on a particular type of content
  • The different types of blogs are Personal Blogs, Group Blogs, Microblogs, Professional Blogs and Reverse Blogs.

Monday, June 28, 2021

What is Content Marketing ? / What do you mean by Content Marketing

What is Content Marketing? 

Content Marketing is an online asset for data on everything content showcasing related, characterizes content advertising as: 

"Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain clearly defined audience.

important, significant, and steady substance to draw in and hold an unmistakably characterized crowd – with the objective of driving beneficial client activity by changing or improving purchaser conduct". To put it plainly, rather than pitching your items or administrations, you are conveying data that makes your purchaser more keen. The embodiment of this substance methodology is the conviction that on the off chance that we, as organizations, convey steady, progressing significant data to purchasers, they eventually reward us with their business and dedication. Content showcasing is a continuous cycle that is best coordinated into a general advertising methodology. It centers around possessing media, not leasing it.

In other words, instead of pitching your products or services, you are delivering information that makes your buyer more intelligent. The essence of this content strategy is the belief that if we, as businesses, deliver consistent, ongoing valuable information to buyers, they ultimately reward us with their business and loyalty.

Introducing to Content Marketing

Content promoting is presently an exceptionally famous type of computerized advertising. Brands all throughout the planet are spending on a normal more than 25% of their all out promoting financial plan on content advertising. Huge greater part of advertisers are utilizing content promoting to drive deals and gain portion of the overall industry and benefit. Indeed, it is utilized by numerous conspicuous associations on the planet, including P&G, Microsoft, Cisco Systems, and John Deere. It is additionally evolved and executed by independent companies and one-individual shops all throughout the planet.

Content marketing is mainly used by businesses in order to:

  •  Generate or increase online sales
  •  Expand their customer base
  •  Attract consideration and create leads
  •  Increase brand mindfulness or believability (Increase brand awareness or credibility)
  •  Engage an online community of users
  •  Get customer loyalty

Content marketing has now become an integral part of every digital marketing component. It is used in different digital marketing techniques in the following ways:

Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Search engines reward businesses that publish quality, consistent content.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM): For SEM to work, you need great content behind it.

Social Media Marketing (SMM): Content marketing strategy comes before your social media strategy.

Content marketing is three times more effective at generating sales leads than traditional marketing !!!

Content Marketing in Digital Marketing

Content marketing involves creating free materials such as blogs, articles, videos, tweets and emails to inform, entertain and educate. The intention is exactly the same as traditional marketing: to achieve more leads and sales.

Content Marketing is one of the best and powerful way for companies to reach to there customers fast and effectively. By making free and valuable information available to customers at their fingertips, businesses can build a reputation via association with that quality content. It is a way to gain the trust of consumers before they make a purchase.

There are some tools which will help in content Marketing which are as follows :

  • Blogs, PDF Downloads, Persentation Slides, Mobile Apps, Videos and Ebooks
1. Blog : Content Marketing through a blog is quite possibly the most widely recognized instances of inbound marketing on the planet for one extraordinary explanation − it is unbelievably successful. Writing for a blog functions admirably for a assortment of organizations, in any event, for organizations that aren't in customer confronting businesses.

With a little creativity, any industry can create, post, and share content that its potential customers will find valuable.

Blog posts should be published regularly in to attract new visitors. Posts should provide valuable content for your audience that makes them inclined to share posts on social media and across other websites.

2. Persentation Slides : Online show programs like SlideShare permit you to make content in a configuration that is more like a customary PDF page. You can combine text and pictures without worrying over how your design may reflow across programs. You can likewise separate your story into discrete, reduced down lumps that are not difficult to skim. Some show facilitating administrations give itemized measurements, for example, slide sees, interface click-throughs, and traffic sources. Introductions can be made more alluring by inserting recordings and GIF pictures.

3. PDF Downloads : PDF document is the most well known and most popular tool utilized for content promoting. Ordinarily,  Users/ Visitors are given a free download of a PDF record as a trade off for giving their telephone number and email id or for enrolling to get a free pamphlet. The different kinds of PDF records offered in content marketing are:

  • Printed leaflets and other leave-behind materials 
  • Direct mailers like postcards and one-sheets 
  • Detailed exploration reports, purchaser's aides, and reference materials 
  • Long-structure content for crowds with limited web access

4. Ebooks : Digital books(Ebooks) are lead age apparatuses that potential clients can download after  presenting a lead structure with their contact data. They are regularly more, more inside and out, and distributed less every now and again than blog entries, which are composed to draw in guests to a site. digital books are the subsequent stage in the inbound marketing measure: 

After perusing a blog entry, guests may need more content from a digital book and present their contact data to learn more significant data for their business. Thus, the business creating the digital book has another lead for the outreach group to contact.

Summary :

  • Content marketing is an essential showcasing approach zeroed in on making and conveying important, pertinent, and predictable substance to draw in and hold an unmistakably characterized crowd with the target of driving productive client activity by changing or improving buyer conduct.
  • Content marketing involves creating free materials such as articles, videos, blogs, tweets and emails to inform, entertain and educate.
  • The different content marketing tools are Blogs, PDF Downloads, Persentation Slides, Mobile Apps, Videos and Ebooks etc.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

How to do SEO for blogger |


How to do SEO of blogger

How to do SEO for Blogger ? / How to do SEO for ?

It's easy to do SEO on Blogger which will help your blog or website rank on Google Search Engine or Any Other Search Engine and help your blog or website rank.

You Just Need to Follow the steps that I have mentioned below and do as shown in the picture.

I am sure it will increase your Blog or website SEO. If you don't believe it so after you have done the steps I told you, you can go and check the SEO of your blog or website and compare the results of before SEO and after doing the steps what is given in this post.

Step 1.

Go to your blogger account and go to "Settings" and in "Basic" you will find the "Description". Fill that Description, you need to tell what your blog is about.
Description, Blogger SEO editing

Putting "Description" will help to increase your SEO as you are telling what is your blog about.

Step 2.

Go to "Meta Tags" in the "Settings". Enable search description and add a meta description in it, meaning a short description about your blog or website which is important to decribe your blog or post.
Blogger SEO editing
NOTE : You can only type 150 words in the "Meta Description".

Step 3.

Go to "Crawlers and Indexing" in "Settings" and enable Custom robots.txt
Then Insert the Custom robots in the "Custom robots.txt".

Don't know how to put Custom robots? Don't worry i have got you. I will give you the "Custom robots.txt" only you need to paste your BLOG URL where i tell you and you are all set!!

Copy this code and paste it in your Custom robots.txt and paste your BLOG URL front of Sitemap as I have done in the image.

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google
Disallow: /search
Allow: /

Custom robots.txt setting


Step 4.

Below the Custom robots.txt you have to enable the "custom robots header tags", and do the changes what is show in the image.

Blogger SEO editing

Blogger SEO editing

Blogger SEO editing

Read the top heading carefully and do the setting.

Step 5.

Now let's leave the Setting and concentrate on your post editing. Post Editing also is a part of SEO.

This you have to do for your every post ok.

First after finish typing your post, you have seen on the right hand "Post Settings" which is below the "PUBLISH" button. You need to go to "Search Description" in "Post Setting" and put the definition of that post in the "Search Description".

Blogger SEO editing, Post Editing

NOTE : you have to tell about your post in 150 words. Mention the features of your post.

After you have done that you go down below to the "Custom Robot Tags" and then check that the "Default" is selected and nothing else. And save your blog or update it.

These Steps will increase your Blog and website SEO. 

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Google Tools for Digital Marketing

 Free Google Tools for Digital Marketing

Google Tools for Digital Marketing

Google provides a huge number of tools that help the Digital Marketer to work effectively and successfully and run digital marketing campaigns. Most of the Google Tools are FREE to use.

Here are the list of some tools provided by Google and there detail.
  1. Google Blogger
  2. Google Adsense
  3. Google Analytics
  4. Google Search Console
  5. Google Keyword Planner
  6. Google Trends 

1. Google Blogger : Google provides a platform name where people can come and post free blogs and can create website for free without any charge. The blogs are hosted by Google at a sub-domain of Blogs can also be hosted in the registered custom domain of the blogger. A user can have up to 100 of blogs per account (Google account).

How to use blogger ?
It is very easy to sign in in blogger. All you need is a Gmail account through which you can access or activate the blogger account ( by using And there you are set to use blogger (  After signing in you can access to your Google Photos and Google Drive from blogger to take pics and other material what you want to use in your blog or website.

If you want to start Affiliate Marketing without Investment you can use blogger for it, it is a easy to use platform.

2. Google AdSense : Google Adsense is an advertising platform from Google, which is made for publisher who want to display their advertisements on blogs and website pages and earn money when site visitors view or click on the advertisement. 

Google AdSense is and advertising program which allows you to run advertisement on your blogs, websites and YouTube and you get paid when any visitor click on that advertisement.

The advantage is this that you can run several websites and blogs from one single Adsense account.

3. Google Analytics : Google Analytics is a program which provides you in-depth reporting on how people are using your webiste or blog meaning which page they have seeing most which country,city people are coming and visiting your blog or website.

Google Analytics is also a free use tool and you can even download its app from Playstore to monitor your website from your mobile phone.

4. Google Keyword Planner : Google Keyword Planner helps to build your search Network, getting Keyword and ad group ides along with search traffic estimates. Keyword Planner helps you to develop a campaign around an advertising goal.

You can get keyword ideas based on your product or service. The tool will automatically organise the related keyword ideas into ad group.

Keyword Planner will show you the stats of the keyword like the search volume which will help you to select which keyword you to use.

5. Google Search Console : Google Search Console is a free tool to use offered by Google that helps you monitor and maintain your site's presence in Google Search Results. You don't have to sign up for Google Search Console for your site to be registered or include in Google search results but doing so can help having you to understand how Google views your site and optimise it in Google Search.

Google Search Console helps in,
Making sure that Google can access your content.
Creating and monitoring content
You can decide which content you want to show and which you don't want to show to people.

6. Google Trends : Google Trends is a free tool in which you can search keyword of a product or service which you want to target on. Google Trends shows you the trend of the product in a graph that how many people are searching for that product which helps you to select the trending product or keyword to use for your site.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

What is Affiliate Marketing ?

what is Affiliate Marketing and learn what does Affiliate Marketing mean

 What is Affiliate Marketing ?

In Simple words, Affiliate Marketing is when you advertise or promote a product and get commission of that product if someone purchases that product from your given affiliate link.

For Example :-
If i am a seller and i sell digital marketing books, and you are the marketer who does the advertising and promotion of my books to people, and you get a customer to purchase my book and i sell that digital marketing book though you to the customer and i give you the commission of that book what was sold by me with the help of you. This is known as Affiliate Marketing in a tradition way.

Today the process of Affiliate marketing is same but the way has changed!

Today people do Affiliate Marketing is done through digital method which is known as digital marketing.

Affiliate Marketing helps people and especially students to earn a nice income.

How to start Affiliate Marketing ?

You can go to any e-selling site (for example Amazon) and check that they have and Affiliate Program and register to their Affiliate Marketing Program.

Example of how Affiliate Program works
  • First you need to register to any Affiliate Marketing Program (Eg. Amazon)
  • After registering you will be able to promote the products through the a special link which denotes that you are the advertiser of that link.
  • After that you can put that link on your blogs, website etc and share them.
  • If a person purchases the product by your given affiliate link you will get the commission of that product and you can see it on your working dashboard.

Note :- Read the terms and condition nicely as some Affiliate Programs don't support affiliate links to be shared on WhatsApp (Example :- Amazon)

Types of Affiliate Marketing learn different types of affiliate marketing to start your income

Their are different Types of Affiliate Marketing Programs

  • PPC (Pay Per Click) Affiliate Marketing : Pay Per Click affiliates Marketing is as simple as its name, you get paid on per click on your affiliate link. But also read the terms and condition as some have the targets of clicks and pay you after the target is completed.

  • Content Affiliate Marketing : In this type of Marketing runs through sites (like blogs/article, websites, portals) and monetize their traffic by sending users to advertisers page or portal through banner ads and text links. 

Social Media Marketing (SMM) to improve the traffic of your website and blog
  • Social media Marketing : The rise of social media sites like Facebook, Twitter have lead to the creation of a new type of affiliate program which the user can send affiliate links on social media through his/her account and promote them and can generate sales.This type of affiliate Marketing doesn't rely on websites but on various social media apps like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram etc.

Summary :-

  • Affiliate Marketing is a marketing arrangement through which an online retailer pays commission to an external website for its purchase.
  • Different types of Affiliate Marketing Programs are Content Affiliate Marketing, Pay Per Click Marketing (PPC), Social Media Markeitng (SMM) etc.
  • Their are Three person in Affiliate Program,the merchant the affiliate(the person who promotes the product) and the customer.
  • An affiliate can link to the merchant site in many ways like Banner, Text links, Product specific link etc

What is Digital Marketing ?

What is Digital Marketing ?

Digital Markeitng


Digital Marketing is the promotion and advertisement of brands and services through the Internet like email (email marketing), social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc) and web-based advertising.

Some examples of Digital Marketing are :-
  • Email Marketing
  • Search Engine Optizimation (SEO)
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Digital Advertising 
  • Content Marketing
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)

The volume of digital marketing has shot up dramatically. If a person wants to grow their fast digital marketing is the best way to grow your business. Its the best way to do the marketing of the business or service you want to give to the people.

In today's day Digital marketing is one of the best way to grow your business

Digital marketing is become a key component of business strategy for all organisations, big or small. Digital marketing is playing a important role in E-Commerce companies as well as other companies.

However to know the correct strategies that drive maximum returns in minimum investment you first need to adopte these strategies which are Search Engine Optimization 
(SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media Marketing (SMM) and Email Marketing.

The main platforms being used are Google, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Some companies are moving to non-conventional digital marketing strategies. This involves mobile app marketing like blog marketing, marketing with Pinterest and Instagram, Content Marketing, Affiliate Marketing.

Digital marketing also gives the opportunity to the marketer of doing digital footprint mapping and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). It also offers the marketer to use many powerful tools to analyse there process and helps in keep track of the sales easily.


  • Digital Marketing has replaced all old tricks of marketing and has being replaced by mobile apps like Whatsapp, Facebook, Pinterest etc for marketing.
  • The main platform used is Google, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter.
  • Now many companies are using mobile apps for marketing. For Example : Content marketing, Blog Marketing, Instagram, Facebook, Affiliate Marketing.

Saturday, May 29, 2021

What is Search Engine Marketing (SEM) in Digital Marketing

Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

 What is Search Engine Marketing (SEM) ?

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is a method of promotion and advertising to help companies/blog/website to rank higher in the search engine traffic. Like SEO search Engine Marketing (SEM) helps the website and companies to bring their products and services to the attention of the audience who are ready to buy or use their services.

There are many tactics in SEM but SEM focuses on traffic through paid advertising. Just as with SEO, SEM identifies keywords through keyword research analysis to identity keywords that audience are searching for.
Marketing departments are the primary beneficiaries of SEM. By paying for a certain keyword they can drive traffic to their websites. SEM helps in bissting the traffic of the webiste by displaying their products/ services of the website/company.

Search Engine Marketing follows an auction process where the ads are ranked by bid amount and quality score i.e. The ad auction process takes place every time when someone enters a search into Google the keyword. It depends on the amount the advertiser is ready to pay per click for that keyword, the ranking is done by that. But Google evaluates on two main factors in the auction process the maximum bid and the quality score of the ad.

Quality Score is a metric based on the overall quality of the ad. Google, Yahoo and other search engine determine the placement of advertisement on the auction that how much a person is willing to pay for the advertisement and the result is known as AdRank.

There are three type of SEM

  1. Pay Per Click (PPC) or Cost Per Click (CPC)
  2. Pay Per Mile (PPM) or Cost Per Mile (CPM)
  3. Pay Per Acquisition (PPA) or Cost Per Acquistion (CPA)

What is Blogging / What is Blogging all about

Do You want to know what Blogging is? In this post you will get to know what is blogging and what are the different types of blogging and ho...